Planning Your B2B Digital Journey

Hearing success stories about B2B organizations is incredibly invigorating. There is so much opportunity in this space just waiting for organizations to capitalize on. Our guest this week is Chelsea Ciardelli from BigCommerce. Chelsea will share insights on B2B strategies she has been seeing in the marketplace.


- Impact of moving from offline to online

- Trends or innovative next steps Chelsea is seeing in the marketplace

- Don’t put all eggs in the Amazon basket

– own your platform and diversify channels.

00:00 Introduction

03:47 5 Tips for Developing a B2B Strategy

07:48 How Relying on Other Channels can Hinder B2B Sales

10:27 Making the Move: Taking B2B Sales Online

15:35 BigCommerce B2B Edition: a Tool to Support Your Salespeople

20:47 Steps in the Journey to B2B Digital Commerce

25:22 What is New for B2B Digital Commerce?

28:15 Thank You for Tuning In

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