Optimizely Digital Commerce Tool Box

Our Optimizely resources inventory is continuously growing, in part due to our efforts to provide the best B2B digital commerce resources. To help you learn more about the Optimizely platform, here are our top twelve Optimizely digital commerce resources, a.k.a. the Brilliance Optimizely Digital Commerce Tool Box.


Optimizely customers looking for Optimizely resources.

Did you know that Brilliance was the first North American firm to be awarded Optimizely Specializations in Commerce and CMS? As an Optimizely Gold Solutions Partner, you can trust us to know the platform inside and out. With an Optimizely partnership since 2013, the Brilliance team provides our Optimizely clients everything they need to create compelling online experiences that convert.

Optimizely clients benefit from stellar user experience expertise, including onsite search, top-level navigation, and personalization. Additional implementation features include ERP Integration, B2B Workflow, and System Integrations. 

Our Optimizely resources inventory is continuously growing, in part due to our efforts to provide the best B2B digital commerce resources. To help you learn more about the Optimizely platform, here are our top nine Optimizely digital commerce resources, a.k.a. the Brilliance Optimizely Digital Commerce Tool Box.

We have packaged all of our Optimizely resources in one convenient PDF. Review the resource list below before you download it. Ready to download now? Click here to receive your copy of the Brilliance Optimizely Digital Commerce Tool Box.


1. Downsides/Gotchas of using Projections in Episerver Find

Episerver Find is my preferred way to write searches for Episerver. It allows me to write search queries quickly using a LINQ like syntax I am familiar with, while leveraging Episerver’s cloud servers to do the heavy lifting. 




2. Part III: Making a create-react-app project in .NET in Episerver

We’ll create a new .NET web application project to place the create-react-app project’s files in. We won’t compile a website there, but simply hold our create-react-app project (sort of like the node.js project type that Visual Studio offers you as a project template). 



3. Comet: Create-React-App for Episerver

React is a popular JavaScript library used to build user interfaces (UI) on the front end. You can design simple views for each state in your application, and React efficiently updates and renders just the right components when your data changes. React simplifies the development of modern user interfaces - simplifies doesn’t equate to simple, however.



4. Top 3 Questions Executives Need to Answer When Planning for Episerver Commerce

Episerver Commerce is a powerful framework for implementing enterprise eCommerce. Just like any powerful tool, it is only as good as effective as the plan and implementation. If you are preparing for an Episerver Commerce project, here are three questions to start your planning process. 



5. Drive Sales Through Personalized Content with Episerver Commerce

According to Forrester Research, 70% of marketing executives believe personalization to be of strategic importance to their business. Why? Because they believed that personalization would lead to increased website traffic, more conversions, and additional revenue. In the same study, many respondents shared challenges to deliver relevant content based on real-time customer interaction. 



6. Mobile B2B eCommerce with Episerver Commerce

Designing experiences for mobile is more than how the site adapts graphically to your mobile device. While the design is important, the best mobile experiences make it easy for mobile users to reach information that is of interest to them. Many eCommerce platforms are not built for this type of experience design. Episerver Commerce provides a strong set of tools to facilitate a powerful mobile B2B eCommerce site.  



7. Magento vs. Episerver: Why Choose Episerver for Your B2B Ecommerce Site

There is no denying that Magento is a strong player in the ecommerce market.  Magento has significant market share and a large community of developers.  Magento Enterprise has strong ecommerce functionality.  It can be customized to meet a variety of needs, and it offers a marketplace of extensions that enable you to enhance your store with functionality that has already been developed by others.



8. Why Episerver May Be Your eCommerce Solution, And How To Launch It Quickly

“I’m not large enough for an enterprise platform” is something we often hear customers say. That may be true: perhaps your organization is still developing an eCommerce strategy, or you know for certain that you “just need a buy button” for your products that are marketed elsewhere. 



9.  The Underutilization of eCommerce Software Investments 

One of my takeaways from Ascend 2018 was how often the tools we invest in are underutilized. Based on industry research, only 25%-50% of software features are utilized following a purchase. Based on my own experience, I have found this to be true, not only for Episerver but for many platforms, especially when you have a mature software platform focused on continuous improvement.

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Jared Hackbart

Director of Sales & Marketing


Jared Hackbart 

Jared is passionate about providing clients with the right tools and applications to help their business grow.  Drawing from his experiences at Canon Solutions of America & Ken Cook Co. with manufacturing companies, Jared provides solid solutions and guidance to Brilliance's clients on a daily basis.

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