Milwaukee is a sometimes called a “city of neighborhoods,” with many residents taking pride in their neighborhood’s history and diversity, and celebrating what makes each unique. But not all neighborhoods are cared for equally by the systems in our society, even if residents want something better. In some areas, poverty and inequality have resulted in feelings of pain and suffering, abandonment and struggling, and poverty and inequality—for decades.
Today, however, many organizations are doing great acts of kindness and giving generously in an attempt to bring life and hope back into city neighborhoods with the greatest need.
One organization doing its part is Inhabit, a church-based, non-profit organization that moves Christian leaders into the center of the city to live and serve. Inhabit acquires foreclosed homes to rehab, not to resell for a profit, but to provide housing for Christians to live in and become a part of the community around them, building genuine relationships by listening to and respecting their new neighbors.
Inhabit recently purchased its newest property, a 90-year-old house that had been vacant for four years, that was in surprisingly good condition, thanks to diligent neighbors looking out for it. That meant rehabbing it would take less time and money, but still require Inhabit volunteers to give their time and energy to the time-consuming project.
To lend many hands, the Brilliance Business Solutions team met Executive Director Tim Nelson one recent September morning to roll up their sleeves and help out. An upstairs bathroom was painted by our project manager. The living and dining room trim was given a fresh coat of paint by our director of business development, director of development, president/CEO, and a developer. The backyard was mowed and electrical lines were reburied by another developer. Hardwood maple floors were being brought back to life, with the help of potent chemicals, by our intern, office manager, and one of our developers. With our little team of 8, the house was 32 hours closer to being ready for its new inhabitants. And we all agreed it was a joy to be able to give time to Tim and the new house.
At Brilliance Business Solutions, one of our values is Wholehearted. To us, that means: We value each other as whole people, living authentic lives including our spiritual lives, family lives, and work lives. We believe the most creative companies are those that allow people to be authentic to who they are.
By our service, our goal was to help create a space where Authenticity will live; where relationships will be built for the benefit of the community and those on the block. Because, while this is a value we have for the company, we believe it should extend to all around us for our community to become more whole.
Inhabit relies on the help of volunteers. If you are interested in contributing, please visit to learn more about its mission and how you can be of service.