We are less than a week away from epi Ascend and the team at Brilliance could not be more excited about this year’s event. As we begin to pack our bags, here are a few reasons why we are attending epi Ascend 2018:
1. Because Ascend 2017 was fantastic.
If you did not attend, you missed out. Feel bad about it. You have the chance to redeem yourself if you still have not made your mind up about attending. Between Scott Hanselman, Mel Robbins, a variety of informative sessions and memorable after-hours events – the conference was organized, incredibly informative and a lot of fun. We were doubtful epi could match last year but after seeing Troy Hunt and Shawn Achor listed as keynotes, we cannot help ourselves from getting anxious for March 12.
2. Learning from fellow epi partners
We are struggling with making decisions on what sessions to attend. Our agenda on the Ascend app has been revised more times than we would care to admit (and that will continue until the conference starts). epi and the partners have done a great job creating powerful content. Without a doubt, all of the sessions will deliver.
3. Customer Appreciation Day
Our client, OESD (embroideryonline.com) was nominated for eCommerce site of the year! We are very excited for the team at OESD. Looking forward to celebrating them and the other nominees!
4. The weather…
Mother Nature does not realize spring is two weeks away as we sit on blizzard watch in lovely Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 70’s and sun sounds pretty amazing right about now.
5. epi Code Bash Throwdown
Last year, our own Drew Douglas laid down an impressive performance at the epi Code Bash. This year, we're taking it to the next level by adding Mike Clausing and OESD's Troy Zundell to the team. Game on!
For those attending, looking forward to sharing in the excitement that is epi Ascend. For those missing out, start scrambling and figure out how to get there…